10 December 2015

Configuring a new OS X Yosemite development machine

This is a update from how I setup OS X Mavericks years ago. Basically, it is more for my own reference, but that post seemed to be helpful to some others.

These are the steps I took to setup a new OS X 10.10.3 (Yosemite) machine for development. I have heard on twitter that each time you setup a new machine you get 1% better and at this rate you can become good at it in a few hundred years! Ha while that seems to be true I am getting happier with the process and I am now at least trying to document it. This post won’t serve as a rich tutorial on the configuration process, but should give some ideas on good ways to setup your own machine or ideas on how to fix some common gotchas I ran into with my setup.

I know this is a very opinionated approach without much explanation, so if you are new to development I recommend finding richer tutorial as a this is largely intended for my own documentation.

new instructions

  • same xcode-select –install
  • install brew manually from http://brew.sh/
  • brew install gpg
  • keys slightly different gpg -o key.tar.gz --decrypt latest_keys.tar.gz.gpg
  • brew install zsh
  • same verify zsh
  • got your keys working clone your dotfiles so your terminal is better: git clone [email protected]:danmayer/dotfiles.git
  • install rbenv git clone https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
  • install postgres http://www.postgresql.org/download/macosx/ or http://postgresapp.com/

Initial setup steps

  • verify full disk encryption
  • update password on account / machine (if one was previously configured)
  • install all OS X updates
  • install X code (this and the updates can be slow get this started as soon as you can)
    • cmd line xcode-select --install

While Xcode installs

  • install chrome
  • setup chome sync so it will pull your plugins like lastpass
  • while X code installs install size up, or your prefered window manager
  • install dropbox, get sync started
  • get your old ssh keys (or you can make new ones and upload them to services like github)
    • tar czf key.tar.gz .ssh/
    • gpg -c key.tar.gz
    • scp it over from other machines or encypted file sync via Dropbox
    • gpg -o key.tar.gz --decrypt latest_keys.tar.gz.gpg
    • tar xvzf key.tar.gz
  • download and install virtualbox
  • download and install aquamacs (or your favorite editor)
  • download and install flux for light filtering

After Xcode, install brew

  • fix various SSL errors like Faraday::SSLError: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=unknown state: certificate verify failed
    • you need to run brew install openssl
    • and brew link openssl --force
    • re-install your rubies! Don’t forget to rbenv rehash
  • install iterm2

  • install zsh brew install zsh
    • change default shell to zsh chsh -s /bin/zsh
    • verify your running zsh after opening new terminal ps -o comm $$
  • install Pygments sudo easy_install Pygments #my dotfiles use Pygments
  • git clone dotfiles, or however you sync your environment
    • sync your non git dot files encypted via scp or pgp dropbox sync (I keep .env_extras that contains some sensative keys so it is not stored on github)
  • configure VPN (if needed)
  • install Mou (markdown editor)
  • install campfire client (Propane)
  • install IM client, Adium
  • brew install qt
    • at the time required HEAD brew update; brew install qt --HEAD
  • gem install thrift -v '0.9.0' -- --with-cppflags='-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0'
  • brew install Mysql55
    • initialize mysql:

      mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` --basedir="/opt/boxen/homebrew/Cellar/mysql55/5.5.30/" --datadir=/opt/boxen/homebrew/var/mysql55 --tmpdir=/tmp
  • gem install mysql2 -v '0.2.18' -- --with-mysql-dir=/opt/boxen/homebrew/opt/mysql55/
  • brew install imagemagick

Get your code

  • begin to git clone all the things you love
  • start to rbenv install all the Ruby versions you need
  • bundle install all the things
  • verify tests are passing or apps start

Updates Since installed

Possible Improvements

  • Should I install emacs starter kit or start over? I need to fix my emacs setup
  • Automated way to reset all the OS X default apps to open file types?
  • Automate some of the app downloads and installs
  • Automate some of the common ruby version installs

